For more than 20 years now, The Road has held weekend seminars to encourage, equip, and empower people to live life to the fullest. The founder of what is now known as “The Road” (after working in and around other similar programs) desired to establish a unique, faith-based program with a mission to equip its participants to truly live the abundant life they were created to live. The program operated in those early years, 1995 - 1997, under a couple of different names and was later incorporated in 1998 under the name, “The Road Adventure." The creative games and drills, with some modification over the years, have stood the test of time as thousands have, through this powerful program, found that richer, fuller life we all seek.
The Road has far exceeded all expectations. Since 1995 over 10,000 people have completed the program from our home-base in Richardson, and historical satellite locations in Tyler, Houston, Temple, and Arlington. More than 2,500 marriages have been strengthened/saved; countless thousands of individuals have found healing and purpose; families have been restored; and graduates have gone on to positively impact their workplace, their churches, and their communities. The Road has become a force for change and a difference-maker within the communities it serves.
The Mission....To change the world, one life at a time.
Believers in Business Interviews Danny Blevins
Meet the Leadership Team
The Road is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation with a Board of Trustees consisting of nine voting members including the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Danny Blevins
President, Board of Trustees,
Senior Director of Seminars
Roadie since 1999
Danny, Certified Financial Planner and owner of an Ameriprise Wealth Management Practice, is married to Monica Blevins and has a beautiful daughter, Victoria Brown. Danny has served The Road in various capacities since attending the program himself in June/July of 1999.
"My passion is serving and having an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others; whether that is through my business, through The Road or through other areas of service in my church or community. I am truly blessed to be able to lead an organization like The Road where I get a front row seat to experience powerful and miraculous life change in individuals, families, and even in generations. I am committed to our mission as we seek to change the world, one life at a time."
Linda Rhodes
Roadie since 2004
Linda is semi-retired from the corporate world where much of her career was in accounting and administration. She now enjoys the time she has to serve God and others. She has two children and five grandchildren.
"I first went through The Road in 2004, it enabled me to live an abundant life and gave me tools to handle future challenges. My passion is to pass these tools onto others through The Road. I have been a trainer in Part 1 and 2 since 2005 and am privileged to see lives changed in a positive way each seminar."
Jay Coldiron
Vice President
Roadie since 2009
Jay is Owner and Vice President of Coldiron Companies; a national equipment transport company. Jay and his wife, Jelora, have been married over 29 years. They have seven children and five wonderful grandchildren. Both Jay and Jelora serve as Trainers at The Road. Serving with an organization where they can work side by side has been a great blessing for them. Jay also serves as Pastor at The Truckers Church in San Antonio, TX.
"The Road has made so many life-changing experiences in my life it is hard to describe. Because of what I learned at The Road, I am able to be the man inside that I tried to make you believe that I was on the outside. From The Road I learned obedience. Being obedient gave me more self- confidence; self-confidence gave me the ability to serve; serving gave me the ability to grow. I have been blessed so much with the tools and gifts I received from my Road experience. The best blessing I've received is giving back to others all that was so freely given to me."
Millie Roberts
Roadie since 1999
Millie Roberts, attended The Road in 1999 and has been actively involved since then as Trainer, Director of Parts 1 and 2 and Teen Road. She is an avid student of the Word of God and a Counselor, Teacher, Speaker as well as a short-term mission volunteer in India, Africa, S. America and the U.S. Millie has a heart for the hurting and loves to help people who desire to become all they are meant to be.
Robbie McClure
Board Member
Roadie since 2011
Robbie has been involved with The Road since 2011 and looks forward to as many more years as God will provide. He works as an insurance adjuster, currently in P&C litigation.
“Kim and I have been married for four years and we enjoy serving The Road together as trainers and in any other capacity we can for The Road when time with our children allow.”
Monica Blevins
Senior Director of Part 3 Seminars
Roadie since 2006
Monica is retired after spending over 20 years in corporate America (Operations Management). She is married to Danny Blevins and is mother to a beautiful daughter (Victoria). Monica spends a great deal of her time as a Bible study leader and as Senior Director of Part 3 at The Road.
“I am a daughter of the King of Kings, sharing His truths and love with others by encouraging others to see themselves through the Father’s eyes. My greatest desire is for others to see their value and to live the life they were intended to live; not settling for anything less than God’s best.” Monica
Peggy Stover
Office / Seminar Administrator
Roadie since 1998
Peggy attended The Road in 1998. She began volunteering for The Road right after graduating Part 3 and then was hired to work in The Road office in 2000. Her background includes banking, secretarial work, office managing, entrepreneurship, being a mother and a grandmother.
“I love The Road and am always amazed at how God changes lives (including mine) through this wonderful organization.”