Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Road?

The Road encourages, equips and empowers people to live life to the fullest through a series of interactive weekend sessions to maximize personal development in your life.

How long has The Road been in existence?

The Road conducted its first weekend seminars in 1995 and since then over 13,000 participants have attended and completed the weekend sessions.

Is this a Religious or Church related event?

While The Road Adventure is a Faith Based program, it is not affiliated with any particular church. Everyone, regardless of belief system, is respected and accepted unconditionally right where they are. During the program, participants will have an opportunity to look at their relationships with others, their relationship with themselves, and if they so desire, their relationship with God. People from all walks of life and people holding many different belief systems have attended and graduated our program.  The Road Adventure is for YOU!

I am currently in counseling, how does this compare?

The Road weekend experiences are designed to educate and empower individuals to enhance the quality of their lives and their relationships. The materials and tools that are taught can be a great addition to your therapy or counseling and many therapists have recommended the seminars to their clients after having experienced it themselves. The Road enhances the work the client does in therapy or counseling.

What is the schedule for each weekend experience?

The Awakening: Part 1 registration begins Friday at 6:00 p.m.

  • Friday seminar begins at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 11:00 p.m.
  • Saturday is from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Sunday is from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The Release: Part 2 registration begins Thursday at 6:00 p.m.

  • Thursday seminar begins at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 11:00 p.m.
  • Friday is from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Saturday is from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Sunday is from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The Renewal: Part 3 registration begins Friday at 6:00 p.m.

  • Friday seminar begins at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 11:00 p.m.
  • Saturday is from 10 a.m.  to 10:00 p.m.
  • Sunday is from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Can anyone attend?

You must be 18 years or older to attend The Road weekend experiences.  Whether you are single, married, young or older, we feel that everyone can gain value from The Road.

Having served in the Military or as a First Responder,  I understand that I can receive a discount. How does that discount apply and how do I prove my Military/First Responder experience?

At the time of registration on Friday night of the first weekend experience, military personnel must bring with you one of the following: Military ID card, Veterans card, or a DD214 form.  As a first responder, please present some type of identification of the organization where you currently work or worked for in the past.  A first responder is anyone who has served or is currently serving in any type of Law Enforcement i.e., Police, State Troopers, Sheriffs, Deputies, Rangers, Marshals.  It also includes Search and Rescue, EMS, and Firefighters.  A $50 discount will be applied to the current Part 2 fee when registering for Part 2.  An additional $50 discount will be applied to the current Part 3 fee when registering for Part 3.

Does the person with the military/first responder experience have to attend with the spouse in order for the spouse to receive the discounts?

The military/first responder spouse can attend a previous Part 1, the same Part 1, or a later Part 1 seminar date and still receive the same discount.  If the spouse attends the Part 1 seminar at a different time, they will need to provide proof of your Military/First Responder service at Part 1, Friday night registration check in.

If I am divorced or widowed from my military/first responder spouse, can I still attend The Road under the Military/First Responder  discount initiative?

If you are either divorced or widowed and have not remarried, the same rules apply to receive the Military/First Responder discount for your Road experience.  You will need to provide proof of Military/First Responder service that your spouse served on Friday, Part 1 registration check in.

Can I bring my spouse or significant other?

Yes, it is a tremendous experience to be able to participate in The Road with your spouse or significant other. If your spouse does not want to attend we suggest that you attend and gain the value of the weekend experiences for yourself.

Why should I attend The Road weekend experiences?

Every individual person gains something different from The Road, because we are each unique and at different levels of growth and maturity. The weekends are designed to support each individual right where they currently are in life.  Some common benefits you may expect to attain through the Road include:

  • Learning to effectively communicate at every relationship level
  • Gaining the ability to accept new challenges and step out in confidence
  • Identifying hidden dreams and then learning how to pursue & achieve them
  • Finding life purpose and then living it out in strength, confidence, peace and joy
  • Learning how to hold yourself and others accountable to promote mutual success
  • Finding healing for past wounds
  • Learning to believe in yourself resulting in increased esteem and worth
  • Finding effective ways to turn your life’s negatives into positives
  • Identifying beliefs and behaviors that promote and impede your success
  • Feeling empowered to meet challenges and take the risks necessary to create success in your business and personal life
  • Learning to give and receive support in such a way that everyone wins
  • Identifying unique giftedness and inner strengths in yourself and others
  • Learning to create the kinds of relationships you have always dreamed of
  • Finding out who you REALLY ARE and learning to live the new “YOU” in strength and confidence.

What Are the Weekend Fees and when do I have to pay?

– Part 1: The registration fee is $125. This needs to be paid in full 7 days before the seminar begins.  

– Part 2: The registration fee is $275. This needs to be paid in full by the Monday before the seminar begins.  

– Part 3: The registration fee is $200. This needs to be paid in full by the Monday before the seminar begins.

How often are The Road weekend experiences offered?

The Road weekends are offered periodically during the year. Please check our home page for current dates and locations.

Do I stay overnight?

The Road is conveniently programed around most day-time work schedules. There is no overnight stay.

After attending the first weekend experience, must I come back for the very next second session, or can I wait until it is offered in some subsequent month?

We have found that our first weekend participants are excited to continue their Road experience and go to great lengths to continue to the next session to be with their new friends and session participants. The Road staff highly recommends that you continue with the sequential weekend experience. However, if absolutely necessary, you can continue the process and journey at a later date.

Is The Road similar to other competitive programs?

Yes and no – What sets us apart from other programs is that we teach the concepts in our weekend experiences to touch all learning styles. The Road is presented in such a way that each style of learning is able to relate to the material. We use a wide range of learning methods such as:

  • Small Groups
  • Large Groups
  • Visualization
  • Games
  • Drills
  • Interactive learning sessions
  • Lots of music

We present each concept in lecture form (auditory learner), in visual form (visual learner) combined with an exercise to practice what the participant has learned (hands-on learner). In doing this, the participant walks away with more than a textbook knowledge of the material; they have an intellectual, physical knowledge as well as emotional healing. Many of the other programs are more surface motivational in their delivery, whereas The Road goes to the very core of your being.  When you attend The Road you will gain life skill tools that will allow you to take what you have learned and implement it into every area of your life.

My friends are so excited about attending and they want me to attend but they don’t seem able tell me what it’s all about, why is that?

Everyone who has attended the weekend sessions at The Road want you to have the best experience possible and don’t want to spoil it for you. It would be like telling you the ending to a great movie before you saw it. So much of the learning comes from the experiences you have when you do the different exercises and drills, so telling you what the exercises are deprives you of the spontaneity and learning. Everyone is encouraged to talk about what they personally experienced and what they learned through The Road but to keep the exact nature of the exercises to themselves. We do ask participants not to share what another person experiences so that it creates a safe place for everyone to do or say what they need or want to.

How many people are in each weekend experience?

Each weekend experience is limited to 25 participants. Once we reach the limit of participants in a session, you will be placed on a waiting list or moved to the next available weekend experience.

I am in a serious dating relationship. Do you recommend attending The Road with my significant other?

ABSOLUTELY! We believe that if you are the “right” you, that you will attract the right person for you into your life. And if you are in a dating relationship, it is always better to know your own strengths, weaknesses and potential issues (as well as those of your prospective mate) BEFORE you make the relationship permanent.