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What is The Road?

You were created for a unique purpose.

The Road encourages, equips and empowers people to live life to the fullest through a series of interactive weekend sessions. We provide tools to overcome emotional damage from the past and/or present, as well as face future challenges in life.

Our weekend experiences provide life-changing guidance for ANYONE:

  • Experiencing broken/damaged relationships
  • Desiring a healthier marriage
  • Who is "successful" yet lacking the joy and fulfillment desired from life
  • Suffering the effects of personal addictions or damaging habits
  • Stuck in a "Comfort Zone" or unhealthy mindset
  • Who wants to identify your life purpose and/or realize your dreams
  • Held back by critical and painful events from your past
  • Who doesn't know what they don't know but DOES know that they want a more fulfilling life

There are no long lectures or burdensome notes to take. Through participating in experiential drills and games, you will discover things for yourself. We respect all belief systems and accept you for who you are and what you believe. Our workshops are designed to help each person discover and then achieve what is missing in their life. We offer an experience of self-discovery that will last a lifetime! Live on purpose with purpose!


More about The Road ...


Due to the experiential nature of The Road Adventure, social distancing is not possible during your experience. By choosing to begin, continue, and conclude your experience at The Road Adventure you understand and accept that social distancing is not possible and that you agree to assume and accept all risks and liabilities accordingly. Masks are optional.


To discover and then achieve what is missing in your life


How does your relationship with others (past and present) influence your life today? Identify roadblocks in your life. Evaluate yourself – where you’ve been and what’s holding you back. Gain a powerful tool to overcome anger and resentment. Learn how to eliminate self-defeating areas of your life to find out who you truly are and begin to live in the freedom of the real you.



Friday, January 5th - Sunday, January 7th

Friday, March 1st - Sunday, March 3rd

Friday, June 7th - Sunday, June 9th

Friday, Sept. 6th - Sunday, Sept. 8th


What is your part/role in your relationships? How might guilt, shame or fear affect how you see yourself and how you interact with  others? Rebuild your most important and most powerful relationship. Learn how to change your past from being a “victim” to being a “victor”. Gain the tool to use daily to remind yourself of who you really are.




Thursday, Jan. 18th - Sunday, Jan. 21st

Thursday, March 14th - Sunday, March 17th

Thursday, June 20th - Sunday, June 23rd

Thursday, Sept. 19th - Sunday, 22nd


Recognize how your family of origin and critical events in your life serve to shape the person you are today. Learn how to set healthy boundaries with hinges that you control. Do you know what your purpose is? Discover what gifts you were created with to walk into your purpose with hope and confidence for the future.




Friday, Feb. 2nd - Sunday, Feb. 4th

Friday, April 5th - Sunday, April 7th

Friday, July 19th - Sunday, July 21st

Friday, Oct. 25th - Sunday, Oct. 27th

Note: All registrations must be completed and paid in full 7 days prior to the start of the Part 1 Adventure you wish to attend.  Payments are non-refundable.

Flag and soldiers.

Discounts for US Military & First Responders

All U.S. Military Personnel and All First Responders (Active or Veterans) will receive a $50 discount on their Part 2 fee and a $50 discount on their Part 3 fee. Spouse will also receive same discounts when they attend.


Life Changing Stories

New found freedom

“I never expected to walk away feeling healed, complete, loved, fulfilled & free. The Road has done for me what YEARS of therapy and alcohol abuse never could. I am validated, I am purposed, I am free to be me!” - Michelle R.


“Before The Road I was angry and would put up defense walls and shelter myself. It helped me to turn my life around, to be more trusting, and slow to anger by using the tools we were taught. It truly changed my life. Thank you.” - Mitch K.


About the Road

At The Road Adventure, we offer life-enriching weekend "adventures" that take you on a deep dive into your mind, heart, and soul. Our aim is to help you uncover the obstacles that may be hindering your success in relationships, at home, at work, and in life in general.

While our seminars involve serious hard work, they are also filled with serious fun. The reward? True freedom. By participating in our program, you'll discover your true identity, learn your purpose, and exchange past mistakes and regrets for joy, peace, and hope.

The Road Adventure is designed to help you find what you're looking for. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional healing, or a deeper understanding of your life's purpose, our seminars can guide you on your journey.

Each seminar is carefully crafted to help participants discover and achieve what's missing in their lives. If you're ready to embark on an adventure of self-discovery and transformation, we're here to help you navigate the journey.